High School Sweethearts | Mississauga Engagement Session

It’s the romantic ideal that many of us aspire to, but few realize – to end up with our high school sweetheart. This incredible couple have realized this ideal, and that’s why I thought it was so important to celebrate their engagement by returning to the scene of where it all began – Mississauga High School.

We wanted to have a bit of fun with the shoot, while at the same time capture the excitement of the couple’s early days of love. We were able to do this effectively by incorporating many elements of the traditional high school crush… romantic love notes, and sneaking a few kisses outside their original lockers!

The shoot was punctuated with giggling and bouts of winking, nudging, and ‘Do you remember when…?!?.’ Although this was incredibly rewarding, it isn’t what made this particular shoot stand out to me. What I really loved about it was the depth of adoration and respect they had for one another – something that is as rare as it is truly touching, and something I felt privileged to witness.



Want to see more of this amazing couple? Here are some highlights from their wedding

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